New Year is coming and eider we want it or not it's gonna enter our life. Is it gonna be better? Will it bring new opportunities, new ideas, will it solve our problems? Will it make us better? Older definitely and that's scares me... All I'm doing is getting older, uglier, heavier and having all the same depressing job that drains my energy. Is this year good for changes? Thats the thing... It's always a good time. Do what makes u happy. I know how hard it is, but sometimes u just need to get more stubborn. Get that motivation and just do it. Live the dream. Thats what I want. I want to be happy, want to people love my art, want to create, design, travel, love and be loved.
For new Year i have design a Fairyland calendar to help a dreamers dream big and non believers to start believe in magic. All u need to do is just open ur hearts.
Exactly! I want to spend 2015 in fairyland because art have no rules. There is no borders, no limits and no one have to be afraid to dream BIG. For any of u the Fairyland can be something different. Whats ur dreams? Tell me...
Nowy Rok nadchodzi i czy tego chcemy czy nie juz za chwile zawita w naszym zyciu. Czy bedzie lepiej? Czy przyniesie nowe pomysly, nowe rozwiazania? Czy pomoze stac sie lepszymi ludzmi? Na pewno starszymi i to mnie przeraza... Ja tylko sie starzeje, brzydnieje, grubieje i ciagle pracuje w tej samej pracy, ktora wysysa ze mnie pozytywna energie. Czy ten rok przyniesie jakies zmiany? O to chodzi... Zawsze jest na to dobry czas. Rob co cie uszczesliwia. Wiem ze to trodne, ale czasem musimy tylko troche bardziej sie upszec. W koncu chodzi o nasze szczescie. Zmotywowac sie i lapac zycie. Tak! Chce byc szczesliwa, chce by ludzie kochali moja sztuke, chce projektowac, tworzyc, podruzowac, kochac i byc kochana.
Na Nowy rok zaprojektowalam kalenarz z wrozkami i nimfami, magiczny by pomoc marzycielom wierzyc ze magia istnieje a niedowiarkom pomoc wierzyc. Otworzcie tylko swoje serca :)
Dokladnie!!! Chce spedzic rok 2015 magicznie, bo w sztuce nie ma granic, nie ma zasad i limitow i nie trzeba bac sie snic wielce. Dla kazdego z was to moze byc cos innego. Jakie sa wasze sny? Powiedzcie...
Tuesday, 30 December 2014
Wednesday, 19 November 2014
Mugs, bags, T-shirts
Because i work a lot and i don't have much time to spend promoting myself my stuff r not selling well. Had to figure something out. Maybe traditional prints on paper or canvas were to boring so now i decide go further. Now my art can be with u all the time on products that you use every day. Isn't that amazing? How about go shopping and use my tote bag to put ur goods in? Or drinking ur favourite coffee, cup of tea or hot chocolate from mugs with original designs ? T-shirts, hoodies and all tops to keep u cozy and original... Well i found out nice website that will help me to make that possible. All that I've said and much more can be with u and it's available to order already :) Go on
my Redouble shop with worldwide shipping and enjoy all that. All prints on very high quality. I did order few things for myself to check how they r and I'm very happy. I added a button on the side to always easily find a link to it.
Sunday, 28 September 2014
Jestem dupa i tyle. Juz nie pamietam ile razy sobie obiecuje zeby regularnie pisać notki a i tak zaglądam tu raz na pół roku... To jak inni maja chcieć mnie odwiedzać... ? Mam kilka nowych rysunków kilka nowych newsow ale co z tego jak nikt tego nie czyta ;/
To bedzie moj pamiętnik narzekań niedługo.
I am an arse and that's it. So many times I was promise to myself to regular check on here write the posts but I'm here only once per half a year... So how's any body else should like here... ? I have a few news but so what if no one reading this ;/
That's gonna be my moan dairy soon tho
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